College Bookstore Relocation & Redesign

Kankakee Community College enlisted Carlile Architects to modernize the Hammes Bookstore, enhancing its functionality for both staff and students. The relocation/redesign prioritized enlarging the space dedicated to registers and managing student services. A semi-private area behind the registers was designated for the assistant manager, facilitating oversight of both customers and staff.
To further support staff comfort and efficiency, a dedicated break room was integrated, complete with essential amenities such as a sink for hand-washing, a small refrigerator, countertop space, and storage for personal items.
In the rear of the store, the storage room underwent enhancements to optimize organization and workflow. It now features shelving storage and task workspace
tailored for unpacking boxes and fulfilling student book orders efficiently.
Adding a distinctive touch to the space, a three-dimensional curved ceiling design was implemented to introduce shape, texture, and lighting benefits. To match the ceiling curve, grooved panels were installed for attractively display merchandise at eye-level.
For safety and security, rolling grill doors were incorporated at the passageway, and modular patterned panels were affixed to the entry columns, enriching the entrance aesthetic with texture and pattern.
Floor-to-ceiling display windows and a prominent curved showcase window serve as a focal point and draws attention to the bookstores featured merchandise.
Project Year: 2022
Location: Kankakee, IL
Scope: Pre-Design, Design Development, Documentation, and Procurement
About the Client: Kankakee Community College (KCC) is a public community college in Kankakee,
IL. KCC serves residents of Community College District 520. This district includes Kankakee, Iroquois, Ford, Grundy, Livingston, and Will counties.