Electrical & Mechanical Infratstructure

Project Details: During the design process upgrading the telecommunication equipment of the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC), it was determined the existing electrical and mechanical infrastructure did not support the heat loads required of the telecom system. Two buildings, encompassing more than one million square feet, required upgrades including new fan coil units in the telecom closets and new heat pumps on the exterior of the facilities.
Project Year: 2016 - 2019
Location: Chicago, IL
Scope: Assessment and survey of existing infrastructure, construction documents and construction administration
About the Client: The Juvenile Temporary Detention Center provides temporary secure housing for youth from the age of 10 through 16 years, who are awaiting adjudication of their cases by the Juvenile Division of the Cook County Courts. The Center also provides care for youth who have been transferred from Juvenile Court jurisdiction to Criminal Court. The Juvenile Temporary Detention Center provides the children with a safe, secure and caring environment with programs and structure that enhance personal development and improve opportunity for success upon return to the community.